So here it is Friday and I as the day goes along I am getting more and more angry with myself. You see I did what every runner knows is a cardinal sin. I talked myself out of a run! For no good reason. Just pure laziness! Now I know that missing one day of training is not that big of a deal, but that isn't the issue. The issue is letting, or more to the point making it happen.
The weakest link in my running chain is my head. I am not as tough mentally as I need to be. During every tough run I have ever had my mind gives in before my body. Time to change that!! No more excuses. Time to put up or shut up!! Under 100 days until marathon number 2 and I need to get to work if I am going to do this in under 4:30.
Another short rant by the grey haired fat guy!!!
It really doesn't matter if you needed a day off mentally or physcially, something made you do it and that is just fine. I know that I sometimes push too hard and put myself at risk for injury or worse, the dreaded BURNOUT. Running is such a long term endeavor that you have to make certain short term adjustments for the long term goal....kind of like running the race itself. So stop kicking yourself ( and don't let it happen again! (just kidding)
Nice to meet a local runner and welcome to my blog.
Yikes... you sound like me!!!
I just had a battle royale of types with the weak me.
I hope you can get into the mentality and kick your "weak me" aside as well!
honey don't beat yourself up..and your not fat!!!
Everybody does it. At some point our legs and lungs are in good enough shape to do anything as long as we train consistently. Unfortunately, your brain is not a muscle so it is much harder to "train".
I actually cut back the number of days I train from 5 to 4. At first, I felt like a cheating, no good, slug. But you know what? My times got better and I'm not exhausted all the time.
Look, we aren't out to win the gold here. Our success hinges on crossing the finish line upright and in control of all bodily functions. Enjoy the day off! Have ice cream! Watch football!! Then hit it again tomorrow... You might find you are a bit faster and you feel better.
Thanks everyone!!!! And welcome to the new readers!!!
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