Thursday, September 13, 2007


A full bowel, sorry but it's true. there is nothing that will get me home faster.

Good run last night, 4.9 miles 46:30. I love this time of year the weather is just perfect for running, mid 60's at night.

I tried returning the shoes yesterday and the person at the shop said that he couldn't take them back because they had been worn outside. I am disappointed, but I will talk to one of the owners next time I see him at speed work. Not sure how you are supposed to know if the shoes are right for you unless you run in them? I understood what he was saying and didn't push the matter.

Everything was ok last night. We'll see if the break in in the next week or so. The bad thing is I just don't have the extra money to get another pair right now and my old shoes are not an option anymore. So as long as things don't get worse I'll be fine.

With any luck I am going to do some trail running this Saturday. I am looking forward to it as this will be the first time on these trails.

Did you know if we eat less meat it will ease Global Warming...who knew????

Those of you who run where there is traffic...what I usually do, if confronted with a turning car in my path is to stop and wave them on. Almost every time the car will stop. So I will then continue, the clock is running after all!!! The last few, maybe 5 times, as I start again the car decides to go as well. Last night I came about a foot from getting hit. What to do, what to do!??

Told my daughter a while back that I would join karate so we could do it together, but I haven't yet. Partially because I would be embarrassed. Been thinking lately I should just do it, but of course right now, no money!!!

Sorry just the stuff that poured out my head this morning...

Have a GREAT day!!!



At 10:59 AM , Blogger Bill Carter said...

They should definitely take those shoes back. That is the policy at any running shop I have ever been to and if they hope to stay in business they better change that policy. They will probably not tell you this, but they can even return those shoes for credit.

Anyway.... Congrats on the nice run. It was a beauty last night. I will admit that running near traffic scares the heck out of me. They really don't respect runners if they even see us.

Talk to the owner and get those feet some new dogs.


At 11:53 AM , Blogger beccahsdad said...

Thanks Bill and I will. The
Hanson's are stand up guys and I think it will work out

At 3:14 PM , Blogger Al Durham said...

Running on trails? The trails at Stony off the Nature Center Road are good to run to break up the bordem of the road. All of this trail running may turn you into a trail runner.

At 4:52 PM , Blogger TNTcoach Ken said...

Let’s see, which is bigger the car or Bob? I make sure that I’ve made eye contact with the driver before I venture out! What do you have to be embarrassed about? I’ve taken my cloths off in front of strange women ( they weren’t strange later that night).


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