Tuesday, January 30, 2007


A few things I realize after my run yesterday...
1. It doesn't take nearly as long to get out of shape as it did to get INTO shape.
2. 20 degrees is coooold, no matter how many layers you put on.
3. The wind sucks!!!!!

In all seriousness, the run was exactly what I needed and with any luck I can whip myself back into some resemblence of shape in no time.

thanks for stopping by.


Monday, January 29, 2007


There comes a point when you just need to say the heck with and move forward regardless of how you feel. For the better part of two months I have been dealing with health issues that were brought on by stress and/or tension. Because of said issues I haven't run in that span of time. Well the pounding my head is gone and my chest and head are finally clear of the congestion and I need to say that enough is enough, I really need to start getting those miles in again. Later this afternoon I am going to run, even if it is only 3 miles, I'm running!
So damn the cold, wind, snow and ice it's time to lace up the shoes, pull on the long johns and hit the pavement.

For the few that check in on a regular basis, sorry for the lack posts! I will do my best to keep things going. As I have said before the more I run, the more I write.


Thanks Ken for the kick in the pants, I needed it!